About Me

In case you’re wondering, the above banner is a picture of a small section of my personal collection of books. I actually do have around a thousand. At the last count…

So far as I know, I am the first writer born into my family. I knew I wanted to write when I was about 6 and a primary school teacher explained that writers write the same book again and again before they get it right. I wondered how someone would have the patience to do that, but my mind was made up there and then that it was something I wanted to do.

It was years before I actually attempted it seriously. I was about 21 and thought I’d set a mystery book in Scotland. I’d recently seen the film Loch Ness and was intrigued enough by it to write something set there, only my story was nothing to do with the legendary creature, more to do with a chest and a ghost and the links between the two. I’ve looked back on it since and the writing was terrible, because I’d tried too hard. The story was good and I’ve made a half-hearted attempt at starting again, but it didn’t work as a gothic horror. Maybe I’ll go back to it at some point, because I still have faith in it as a potential murder mystery.

Later on, I began writing a book about a rock band, which took over. Then I wrote a sequel, because a minor character from that one decided (insisted) she had her own story to tell. And now I’ve written a third, and I’m already thinking about a fourth. It’s not just about rock music. Me being who I am, it’s about a mystery place, manipulative entities and ordinary but extraordinary people trying to get by in their own way and cope with what life throws at them, as well as having a busy career in the music industry. I get my information for these from the friends I have in the industry. Watching them is all the research that’s needed, along with reading a few biogs about David Bowie (my personal god). I’ve not deliberately gone out and researched – I’ve taken it all in over the course of my whole life.

I’ve written a book set partly in China and partly in the UK, which needs to be edited again. I wrote a kung fu adventure-mystery-fairy tale for NaNoWriMo 2009, which I’m in the process of distributing among my kung fu friends. I wrote another one for NaNoWriMo 2010 (but that one’s not finished). NanoWriMo 2011 and 2012 I used to finish one book and start rewriting another one, respectively.

I have been a freelance proofreader since September 2006, and am now looking to extend my client base. If you need, or know anyone who needs, a proofreader, leave a note for me here.

And for the last five years, I’ve been a member of the Fujian White Crane Kung Fu club in Islington. I no longer live in London but still travel from the coast as often as possible, as my instructor is the best and our lineage can be traced back more than 400 years. I have learnt so much about myself since I began training: I’ve become fitter, healthier, more determined, more confident and more patient. It has truly changed my life and I am a better person for it.

9 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Jen says:

    Yes a very long time.. I could be better then who couldnt these days but it was a lovely surprise and complete tonic to find you.How are you doing btw? x

  2. Jen says:

    Glad to hear it. Would be happy to stay in touch if you fancied the idea.. One can never have too many friends IMO. Stay strong!! x

  3. Hi Dawn,
    Great blog. If you like David Bowie, Pink Floyd, Nick Cave or Leonard Cohen then The Mad Pride may be of interest. The music is free (Creative Commons) and combines 60s psychedelia, folk noir, post-punk, neoclassical and post-rock. There are 34 free mp3 downloads (3 albums) on the Facebook and Reverbnation pages below (and 28 free mp3s on Soundcloud). All the best either way.



  4. Hi Dawn, it’s Claire — Placebo . . . (Claire and Mick) It was so nice to meet you that night and has made my memories from the Placebo concert that bit fonder. Better now that I can get to know you a little more through your blogs. I will spend time reading through them. My wordpress account has been neglected basically since I started it, but hopefully now i’ll get back into it. It’s good to know you’re so much into the writing. I also gave NaNoWriMo an attempt last year but unfortunately gave up halfway. The story is still there though, just waiting to be completed . . . sometime . . . maybe next November i’ll have a 2nd attempt lol. Well, take care and thanks for emailing me. I’ll be in touch more frequent when I get the hang of this blogging thing. X

    • Dawn says:

      Hi Claire, glad you popped by! I had a look at your blog, too… Yeah, I rant a bit on here, as you’ll see, my latest being literacy (or the sad lack of it). Meeting you two made it even better for me, too, and also held me accountable to write the blog entry! I kept thinking, must do it, or Claire will think I was full of shit! Do keep in touch, that would be lovely. Hope you’re both well. xx

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